Flying and Gliding

As a member of the ATC, all cadets have the opportunity to fly in the Tutor aircraft. These are flown by volunteer pilots, all of whom are either serving or are ex-service pilots, and are located at one of 12 Air Experience Flights around the UK. In Warwickshire and Birmingham Wing, we use 8AEF which is located at RAF Cosford. Cadets are shown how the aircraft flies and are given the chance to control the aeroplane, experience aerobatics or simply enjoy the flight and the view!

Apart from the Tutor, many cadets will get the opportunity to fly in a variety of other RAF aircraft and helicopters, sometimes as supernumerary aircrew. Such flights often take place during Annual Camp and it is not unusual for a number of these flights to include trips overseas. Some of the more fortunate cadets may also have the chance to fly in “Fast Jets”.

Those Air Cadets with an aptitude for flying can apply to join the Air cadet Pilot Scheme or for a number of externally sponsored Flying Scholarships. You will need to be 16 or over to start the course and have (or predicted to get) GCSE’s at grade C or above in English and Maths. It is also preferred that you have passed a Gliding Scholarship.